皇冠控股有限公司. Announces Sale Of Its 欧洲an Tinplate Business To KPS资本合伙人有限公司

- Announces agreement to sell 80% of its 欧洲an Tinplate business to KPS资本合伙人 that values the enterprise at €2.2500亿美元(约2亿美元).70亿)
-所得款项净额将用于减少债务, 饮料罐资本项目和股票回购随着时间的推移

亚德利,爸爸., 2021年4月8日 /价值/—— 皇冠控股有限公司. (纽交所: CCK) (云顶集团糖果游戏) announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its 欧洲an Tinplate business to KPS资本合伙人有限公司. 云顶集团糖果游戏将获得约1欧元的税前收益.9 billion from the transaction 和 will retain a 20% ownership stake in the business. The 欧洲an Tinplate business comprises 44 manufacturing facilities in 17 countries in 欧洲, 中东非洲 哪些生产食品罐头和罐头, 云顶集团糖果游戏, 各种消费品牌的金属封口和促销包装. 2020年,该业务产生了1欧元的收入.9 billion in revenue 和 approximately €220 million in estimated st和alone EBITDA 和 had approximately 6,300名员工.

"We are very pleased that the 欧洲an Tinplate business will have a strong owner in KPS资本合伙人 支持未来的盈利增长和创新计划. 欧洲an customers 和 consumers alike have long embraced metal packaging, valuing the premium product protection 和 flavor preservation that it offers. The infinitely recyclable food can is unrivaled from a sustainability st和point, 每年帮助减少超过10亿升的食物浪费. We are excited to retain a minority stake in the business alongside KPS as 云顶集团糖果游戏 shareholders will benefit from the KPS team 和 its track record of owning manufacturing companies 和 creating tremendous value,” 蒂莫西·J. 多纳休,总裁兼首席执行官.

Michael Psaros, KPS联合创始人兼联合管理合伙人, 说, "We are excited to acquire one of the largest metal packaging businesses in 欧洲. 企业的规模和规模, breadth of its products 和 its critical food safety technology 和 process disciplines developed over decades, 再加上终端市场的增长, 是一个巨大的投资平台的基础吗. 我们感谢 Mr. 多纳休云顶集团糖果游戏 for their confidence in KPS 和 trust in our stewardship of the extraordinary business they have built."

皇冠预计将使用净收益, 结算后营运资金调整, 税费及其他与交易有关的费用, 进一步减少债务, 基金资本项目和回购股票随着时间的推移,其最近 $1.50亿年 授权日期 2021年2月25日. 仅供说明之用, 和 assuming all net proceeds of the transaction were used to reduce debt, Company's estimated pro forma adjusted net leverage ratio at the end of 2021 (excluding all 2021 EBITDA related to the 欧洲an Tinplate business) would be 2.9倍,而不是3倍.9 x在 2020年12月31日.

The sale of the 欧洲an Tinplate business is expected to close during the third quarter of 2021 和 is subject to certain regulatory approvals 和 customary closing conditions.


As previously announced, Company will release its earnings for the first quarter ended 2021年3月31日 交易结束后就上了 纽约证券交易所 on 星期一,2021年4月19日. 公司将召开电话会议,讨论这些结果 9:00 a.m. (美国东部时间) on 星期二,2021年4月20日. The Company will have no further comment regarding the sale of the 欧洲an Tinplate business beyond this news release until its earnings call on 2021年4月20日.

关于 皇冠控股有限公司.
皇冠控股有限公司., 通过其子公司, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, 以及运输和保护性包装产品, 为广泛的终端市场提供设备和服务. 世界总部设在 宾夕法尼亚州Yardley. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 d2l.eagle1027.com.

关于 KPS资本合伙人
KPS, 通过其附属管理实体, 是KPS特殊情况基金的经理吗, 一家投资基金拥有超过 $12.30亿年 管理下的资产(截至… 2020年12月31日). 近三十年来, Partners of KPS have worked exclusively to realize significant capital appreciation by making controlling equity investments in manufacturing 和 industrial companies across a diverse array of industries, 包括基础材料, 品牌消费者保健和奢侈品, 汽车零部件, 资本设备和一般制造业. KPS creates value for its investors by working constructively with talented management teams to make businesses better, 和 generates investment returns by structurally improving the strategic position, 其投资组合公司的竞争力和盈利能力, 而不是主要依靠财务杠杆. The KPS Funds' portfolio companies have aggregate annual revenues of approximately $10.60亿年, 在22个国家经营159家生产工厂, 大概有34个,000名员工, 直接或通过全球合资企业.

除了历史信息, all other information in this press release consists of forward-looking statements. 这些前瞻性陈述涉及若干风险, 不确定性和其他因素, including the Company's ability to close the transaction in the third quarter of 2021, or at all; whether the transaction will be approved by the competition authorities in relevant jurisdictions; the number of its shares the Company may repurchase 和 the price at which those shares may be repurchased; the future value, 如果有任何, to 云顶集团糖果游戏 shareholders of the 20% retained ownership interest in the business; 和 the impact of the transaction on the Company's earnings 和 cash flow. Important factors that could cause the statements made in this press release or the actual results of operations or financial condition of 云顶集团糖果游戏 to differ are discussed under the caption "Forward Looking Statements" in 云顶集团糖果游戏's Form 10-K Annual Report for the year ended 2020年12月31日年以及在本协议日期之前或之后提交的后续文件. 云顶集团糖果游戏 does not intend to review or revise any particular forward-looking statement in light of future events.

托马斯. 凯利他是高级副总裁兼首席财务官,(215)698-5341
托马斯·T. 费舍尔, Vice President, Investor Relations 和 Corporate Affairs, (215) 552-3720

Cision 查看原创内容:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/crown-holdings-inc-announces-sale-of-its-european-tinplate-business-to-kps-capital-partners-lp-301265447.html

SOURCE 皇冠控股有限公司.